Oil-currency or petrodollars
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Chapter 20: Oil-currency 

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The reason that Bush started the Iraq war was not just for oil.  For the reason that Bush did so was to save our oil currency.  For the currency of the world depends on the trade of oil currency in petrodollars.   And now all men must pay for their evil deeds.

The end times were put into motion over a century ago when oil became a major means of influencing the world’s currency. For prior to that, the major means of influencing the world’s currency was through war. And now the world powers have two means of influencing the world’s economy. And what is the world’s major currency? It is still the US dollar, which accounts for two thirds of all of the world’s exchange reserves. More than 80% of all foreign exchange transactions and over 50% of all world imports are exchanged in US dollars.Because the world exchange currency is in US dollars, our government and nation can essentially produce paper currency and receive imports at almost no cost. Our US dollar has little equitable financial backing, except for the fact that it is the currency by which foreign trade is conducted. This is reflected in the fact that the value of our imports greatly exceeds the value of our exports. In fact just last year, the economic value of our imports was worth more than 50% of our export value. The major objective of bringing the Euro into the market was to turn the Euro into a reserve currency in order to compete against the US dollar. And a major means of allowing other countries to compete against the US dollar was the ability for them to convert the exchange currency of oil from US dollars to Euros. By forcing oil currency into Euros, the US (the #1 importer of oil) would be forced to exchange US dollars into Euros, and due to the loss of exchange value, this would cause a domino effect on the trade value of the US dollar. Conservative estimates suggest that a conversion to Euros would decrease the dollar value by more than 40%. Ultimately, this would lead to a major crash of the US property and stock markets, thus spiraling the US into a major recession.

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