Chapter 6: Christ is Sacrificial BloodThe Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The ProphecyChrist sacrificed His blood for mankind. And His sons have partaken of the same blood of sacrifice. But soon the Son shall return to drink the blood of mankind. Blood is the sustenance of life. And blood is the life of a man (Genesis 9:4), as God is the life of man's soul. And blood is the symbol of life, for it gives us a semblance of the kingdom to come. And blood is made of water and cells, that is moved by a pumping heart and carries oxygen throughout the body. And spiritual blood is sustained by the Father (water) and the sacrifice of Christ's blood (red cells), which is moved by the Spirit (heart), and carries life (oxygen) throughout the Church.The Lord instructed His people, not to eat the blood of their food,for blood is the symbol of life. 'But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.'(Genesis 9:4) The Lord instructed His people to use the blood of the lamb, as His lasting promise to them. For the blood was the sign of life, that they would be His chosen people,if they would follow His commands. For on the eve they crossed the sea, the Israelites spread the blood of a lamb on the lintel and posts of two doors, that the angel of death would pass over them.(Exodus 12:13,23) And when His people were set free, the blood was sprinkled on them as a blessing. 'Behold, the blood of the covenant which the Lord has made with you according to all these words.'(Exodus 24:7) The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The ProphecyThe Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy |