Chapter 7: The Fire of the JudgmentThe Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy Click Here To Take Quiz
Fire gives us both heat and light. And fire refines His children into fine gold. But the fire of judgment shall judge all of mankind. And each man's works shall be tested in the fire.
His anger was kindled at the cross, and now has been set all aflame,for the Lamb that died has become the Lion. Christ the Son has the nature of two, for by His love He saves mankind, and by His wrath He will destroy mankind. For as was promised, He came to save men as the Lamb, but returns to judge as the Lion. 'Stop weeping; behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.' (Revelation 5:5) Likewise fire has the nature of two, for it once was used to help mankind, but now will be used to destroy mankind. And what is a fire? A fire is a chemical reaction, that releases both light and heat,and appears as a flame. The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The ProphecyThe Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy THE PROPHECYTHE PROPHECY |