Chapter 8: God is LoveThe Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy God is Love and Love is God. There is no greater truth. For what Father would sacrifice His only begotten Son for mankind. And now we must strive to serve in the same way. "For there is no greater love than this, that one would sacrifice his life for a friend."
What is love? Love is God and God is love. For love originates from God, is sustained by God, and completes all things through God. And we did not love God first, but it is God who loved us first. And God is not a jealous God, for the love we bestow on Him originates and emanates from Himself. But there is one thing that we do comprehend, that we cannot understand the full depth of His love, for it is ubiquitous, infinite, eternal and true. And who can understand, the scope of His love, that is higher than the clouds, and louder than the thunder? (Job 36:29) For who else would sacrifice,His only begotten Son for the sake of mankind? (John 3:16) The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The ProphecyThe Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy,The Prophecy, The Prophecy THE PROPHECYTHE PROPHECY |