George W. Bush Jr the Beast from the Sea
The Beast from the Sea is George Bush Jr and his administration There is a tool used in prophecy, and that tool is known as time. For time proves that a prophecy is true. And Ezekiel proved the value of this tool. For the Lord instructed him to lie on his side for 410 days, and subsequently the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem would last exactly 410 days. (Ezekiel 4:4-5) Thus the prophecy was proven to be true. (Ezekiel 33:21) And the time that is used in this prophecy, states the beast would have authority for forty-two months.
And how do we give Bush authority? By the approval of the people of this country. And on September 11, 2001, the Towers of New York City came down. And his approval rating in the Gallup soared, and his disapproval hit an all time low. Thus we gave him authority to wage war against terrorism. And forty-two months after September 11th, is April 2005. And when his disapproval surpasses his approval rating, then his authority to make war would be lost. And as we know following September 11th, his approval ratings declined and his disapproval ratings soared. And in what month did they finally cross? April 2005. For “authority to act for forty-two months was given to him.” (Revelation 13:5)