The Gas Laws The gas laws are laws which define the relationship between temperature (T), pressure (P) and volume (V) in gases. And gas is derived from the Latin word khaos which means "chaos". And it is in this city that the ruler of chaos persists.
The gas laws are laws which define the relationship between temperature (T), pressure (P) and volume (V) of gases. And gas is derived from the Latin word khaos which means "chaos". And it is in this city that the ruler of chaos exists. For "the city of chaos is broken down; every house is shut up so that none may enter. There is an outcry in the streets concerning the wine; all joy turns to gloom. The gaiety of the earth is banished. Desolation is left in the city and the gate is battered to ruins. For thus it will be in the midst of the earth among the peoples, as the shaking of an olive tree, as the gleanings when the grape harvest is over." (Isaiah 24:10-13) |