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The Seven Trumpets of The Prophecy
The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy
This is the prophecy. The prophecy is much more than seeing into the future. For the prophecy is not limited by the constraints of time. For the prophecy sees things as God intended them to be. And signs, science and symbols are the greatest tools of prophecy. For the prophecy sees things as they are, as they were, and as they always shall be. And what are the Seven Trumpets? Now that the end is near, the music will stop, and the heavens will be silenced, and the seven trumpets will sound. (Revelation 8:1-15) A trumpet is a brass instrument, with a cylindrical tube, that flares out into a bell, and produces a resounding tone. The earliest trumpets were signaling instruments utilized for military or religious purposes. And the typical range for a trumpet is three octaves or seven overtones. And to trumpet symbolically means to sound a call of warning. And the first trumpet was a warning, that the Lord was to punish His people, for their idolatry with the calf on Mount Sinai. (Exodus 19:18-20) And the Lord instructed Moses, to use the trumpet as a remembrance, whenever they went into battle. (Numbers10:1-8) And the Lord instructed Joshua, to blow the trumpets for seven days, before the walls of Jericho would fall. (Joshua 6:3-7)And the Judgment Day is upon us. For were we not warned by our fathers, that the final trumpet would sound? (Psalms 98:6-9) And did the prophets of old not promise, that the final trumpets would blow? (Joel 2:1) And did our LORD not forewarn us, that the trumpet would sound His return? (Matthew 24:30-31) And did Revelation not foretell, that the wrath and the fire would come? (Revelation 8:1-11:15) But the time is nigh and the Judgment Day looms, so make haste to make peace with the Lord. For when the final trumpet sounds, His forgiveness will be gone, and each must face on their own, the wrath and test of fire. But when all debts are paid in full, “the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53) The First Trumpet: The real mystery of the movement of God's Spirit and Words can be found subtly spoken in the foundation of the Church on the day of Pentecost. In the book of Acts Chapter 2, the Apostle Peter quotes the prophet Joel, who says in the last days that God will pour out His Spirit on His people and that nonclerical sons and daughter would be revealed the mysteries of God. Such is so with the Author of this book. Although he is not a member of the clergy, Andrew the Prophet is receiving many revelations from God and how they relate to science and current world events. The Second Trumpet: Truth is more apparent than man's thoughts may reveal. For God created man with the freedom of thought, that all men may search for the truth. For God created this world in the image of the truth. And the truth is discovered through knowledge. And knowledge can be found through mathematics and numbers. Mathematics is the science of logical patterns, and truth is established by deduction from these patterns. Yet most assume that mathematics is a science, yet science is limited by the laws of this universe. And though mathematics pertains to these laws, it extends beyond the laws of the universe. For the beauty of mathematics lies not in its complexity, but in its simplicity and the elegance of its truths. And the most elegant of math's truths exists in its foundation, and its foundation is based upon numbers. Numbers are symbols which are utilized for measuring and counting. And the simplest of numbers is natural numbers founded in Mesopotamia in 3400 BC. And through the Mayan and Hindu civilizations, the abstraction of numbers was founded through the conception of zero. But the most beautiful and complex of numbers are the transcendental numbers of e, i, and pi. For the mystery of numbers and the universe can be discovered in Euler's formula: And though knowledge is the beginning of truth, and truth is the knowledge of things as they are, man has blinded himself with ignorance. But man has despised knowledge and truth, and in ignorance has continued to sin against God. For through blinding ignorance man does not see, So let us strive to find knowledge and truth, for truth can be found in the foundation of "man's truth" - for the truth exists in Mathematics And Numbers. The Third Trumpet: Physics is a branch of science which objectively observes nature, and qualitatively and quantitatively applies that information into logical theories and formulas. Yet many assume that the foundation and theories of physics are atheistic. In other words, that physics expounds upon both the foundation of this universe and proves the existence of the universe without God. However, all observations are based upon the human mind. And in order to communicate any theory or idea, they must be explained with symbols and language. And the symbols and language of physics are based upon numbers and symbols of the Greek alphabet. Thus in expose, allow me to expound objectively upon the nature of physics, upon the nature of numbers, upon the nature of the Greek alphabet, and upon the nature of God. For each objectively speaks of the same foundation which is truth. And by searching for the truth with objectivity, all men can hope to comprehend the truth. For ultimately truth explains the universe as it was,as it is, and as it always shall be. The Fourth Trumpet: Prophecy is revealed concretely through the examination of man's own body. So hallowed is this manifestation, that God induced himself into our world by taking on our natural existence. For the scripture says in John 1:14 "the Word was made flesh" ... Proof positive of our own kinship with God and his relationship to us. As a renown physician, Andrew the Prophet has spent a lifetime in observation of God's wonders made manifest in human form. His previous books revealed Prophecy through Signs, Science and Symbols, Mathematics and Numbers as well as Physics. Now he makes known the will of God in the Prophecy concerning the Fourth Trumpet (Revelation 8:12). Christ was very adamant about His physical Embodiment. After the resurrection He was the one who initiated the prospect of His disciples examining His bodily wounds (Luke 24:39-40). This is why Thomas, the missing disciple at this occurrence, wanted the same revelation. How marvelous was our Lord to preserve this evidence to be examined by him, and He wants all of us to know of his existence through the 'Embodiment'. The Fifth Trumpet: Philosophy is derived from the Latin roots phil which means "love" and sophia which means "wisdom and understanding". Thus philosophy is the love of wisdom and understanding. And those who pursue philosophy search for wisdom and understanding. And those who love wisdom search for the truth, for they seek to understand God's words. And the prophets of old have sought for the truth. For prophecy is derived from the Greek root prophetia which means "to know the will of God". And whoever does the will of God is a child of God. For as the Son said "whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother." (Mark 3:35) And by doing the will of God we vanquish the ignorance of foolish men. For "such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men." (1 Peter 2:15-16) And the greatest philosophers have sought for the truth. For as Plato said, "Is it not a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are." Thus the logical assumption would be to search for the truth. For as the Son said "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." (Matthew 7:7-8) And in searching for the truth, we can expound upon the thoughts of the greatest philosophers. For by truth we shall know things as they were, as they are, and as they always shall be. The Sixth Trumpet: East is derived from the Greek root aurion which means "arisen". And both knowledge and truth have arisen from the East. For many of God's children have spread to the East. For as God promised to the forefathers, "I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie, I will give it to you and to your descendants. Your descendants will also be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and in you and in your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed." (Genesis 28:13-14) And many truths have been enlightened by the philosophies of the East. For philosophy is derived from the Latin roots phil which means "love" and sophia which means "wisdom and understanding". Thus philosophy is the love of wisdom and understanding. For the philosophers of the East have sought for wisdom and understanding. But the antithesis of wisdom and understanding is ignorance. And many Western philosophers have ignored the philosophies of the East. But "what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you. 'The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist , as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we also are His children.'" (Acts 17:23-28) The Seventh Trumpet: When the Seventh Trumpet is blown, all the books will be laid open and the Truth will be known. Click on the Trumpets of the Prophecy below to order!
********************************************************************************************* Now available for children: A Tree Named YadaAn Illustrated Book on the Prophecy: Click on book to order********************************************************************************************* The Prophecy BlogThe Sixth Seal Will Open (Revelation 6:12)
"The Lord said in the last days that God would pour out His Spirit on His people and that nonclerical sons and daughter would be revealed the mysteries of God. Such is so with the Author of this book. Although he is not a member of the clergy, Andrew the Prophet is receiving many revelations from God and how they relate to science and current world events." Dr. A. Columbus
And as has been foretold New York City will suffer a catastrophic earthquake. Wall Street and the US economy will collapse. And the national and local government have been warned and are well aware of the city's inherent and underlying risks. (12/31/09)
The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy Christ the King Radio Live Radio and Podcasts of The Prophecy Show Click on Logo to enter CTK Radio The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy, The Prophecy The Last Soldiers of the Son
The Prophecy Against Islam
This is the Prophecy: For the prophecy is what is intended to be, "and when you become restless, you will break the yoke from his neck". (Genesis 27:40) For this is the promise that Isaac made to Esau. And the prophecy is here, for the time has come when Islam shall break the yoke and strike back. But who will defend the faith that was given to mankind through the sacrifice of the Son? "His Last Soldiers" will. For we are His last soldiers. And this book is intended to be used as a guide for Christians to defend our faith against the false teachings of Islam. And what are the false teachings of Islam? Muslims although they claim to love God, shall also be bound to that which they believe in. For they believe that Allah is the true and living God. But in truth, Allah is an idol god. And more specifically, Allah is one of 360 ancient idol gods in Kabaa of Makka, the moon-god of pre-Islamic times. And they believe that Mohammad is a true prophet. But in truth, Mohammad was a liar and a false prophet. For he committed the most heinous of sins when he claimed that his false idol had the attributes of the one true Biblical God. Thus we as the last soldiers of the Son hold claim to these truths. For He has not forsaken us, and by His merciful grace, nor shall we forsake Him. ********************************************************************************************* Socialize on the Prophecy!!! Back up sites for the Prophecy All rights reserved. No part of this website may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews. 11:11 Limited Liability Corporation